Riding a bicycle should be a relaxing, cost-efficient way to spend one’s leisure time or even as a primary mode of transportation, especially in a bustling city like Phoenix. Unfortunately, though, these bicyclists’ safety is left in the hands of motorists who share the road with them. Although many of these motorists operate their vehicles in a safe fashion most of the time, it only takes a split second for an error to become a tragedy.
This may have been the case in a recent Phoenix wreck that left a woman hospitalized with serious injuries. Report indicate that the driver’s vehicle crossed left of center and struck the woman who was bicycling on the sidewalk. She was taken to the hospital where she was listed in critical condition. Local police continue to investigate the accident, but there is no indication yet as to whether drugs, alcohol, or speed played a role in the wreck.
The victim in this bicycle accident may have a long road to recovery ahead of her. In addition to being forced to cope with significant physical pain and suffering, she may incur excessive medical expenses, and she may be hit with lost wages on account of her current inability to work. In its totality, these damages may leave her feeling overwhelmed and stressed for her health, well-being, and future.
Of course, she may be able to find some relief by pursuing a personal injury lawsuit. If successful on one of these claims, she may be awarded compensation, which could ease her financial strain, making it easier for her to focus on reclaiming her health. Additionally, by successfully suing the individual who caused her harm, she may feel like justice was served, which can go a long way toward one’s ability to move past the incident.