The results of a dog bite attack can be nothing short of tragic. Victims can be left with physical pain and suffering, emotional scarring and permanent disfigurement. Financial losses can be a very real possibility, too, especially when the attack is serious enough to warrant medical treatment.
According to a recent report, one man is claiming that he is in this position after being bitten by a celebrity’s dog. According to the lawsuit, a dog owned by NBA superstar Blake Griffin bit the man while he was dining at a restaurant. The man claims that he was injured as a result of the attack, which he says left him with emotional trauma and the need for medical care.
The legal filing also claims that Griffin’s dog was known to be vicious. Furthermore, the victim claims that Griffin did nothing to restrain his pet despite knowing of its aggressive tendencies. The lawsuit states that the dog was not supervised or restrained, both acts that could have prevented the alleged incident from occurring.
This claim is in its early stages, so it’s too soon to tell how it will turn out. Settlement negotiations are likely to occur and may result in Griffin paying out a sum of money to prevent the matter from going to trial. However, it’s too early to gauge whether this particular claim has any merit. Arizona residents who have been injured by a dog bite should think about whether similar legal action is in their best interests. If successful on such a claim, they may be able to recover compensation for their damages, which may help them put the ordeal behind them and allow them to focus on their future.