Safety on the roads in Arizona ebbs and flows depending on various factors. Taking a look at crash statistics for the state shows that there are some prevalent risks. One thing that is blatantly obvious when you review the information is that many accidents could have been prevented if drivers would have ensured they were in an appropriate condition to drive and that they were following applicable traffic laws.
The most recent data available is for accidents that happened in 2017. It shows that there is one person who died in an accident every 8 hours and 46 minutes, which equates to an average of 2.74 people dying per day due to motor vehicle crashes. Injuries occur at a rate of one per every 9 minutes and 29 seconds, which means 152 people are injured daily in these wrecks.
Most common type of wreck
The most common type of accident in the state was the rear-end accident. Interestingly, the most common violation was driving too fast for the current conditions. All drivers must ensure that they are adjusting their speed according to road conditions. You can’t drive as fast in wet conditions as you do in dry. One reason for this is the longer stopping distance. Not being able to stop in time could mean that a vehicle slams into the vehicle in front of it.
Times when crashes are more common
Certain times and days are more commonly associated with wrecks. The peak day of the week for crashes (fatal and otherwise) is Friday. More fatal motorcycle crashes happen on Saturday than any other day.
Most crashes, including the majority of motorcycle crashes, happen from 5 to 6 in the evening, but the time of day when fatal wrecks are more common is from 8 to 9 in the evening. The peak time for alcohol-related crashes is 2 to 3 in the morning.
March is the month with the largest number of crashes; however, the day of the year when the majority of the crashes occurred was January 20. The highest number of fatal crashes was December 22, on which eight deadly wrecks happened.
The cost of motor vehicle crashes is considerable. In Arizona, there is an average economic loss of around $10.765 billion annually because of these. For the individuals who are left to try to cover monetary damages after a wreck that wasn’t their fault, seeking compensation might help to combat these losses.