Dog bite injuries can be gruesome, leaving victims in Arizona with immediate physical injuries and disfiguration. Yet, the damage caused by a dog bite injury may not be truly seen until days after the incident. Therefore, animal bite victims need to know how to identify symptoms of serious medical conditions, so they can protect themselves as fully as possible.
Capnocytophaga is a type of infection that often arises in individuals after a dog bite. Symptoms typically show themselves three to five days after an animal bite, but they sometimes don’t present until two weeks after the attack. These symptoms can be quite severe. They may include blistering around the bite wound, redness and swelling near the bite site, fever, diarrhea, stomach pain, vomiting, headaches and muscle pain.
Although those symptoms in and of themselves are serious, this type of infection can be significantly more dangerous. In fact, Capnocytophaga can cause kidney issues, including kidney failure, as well as heart attacks. Some individuals who suffer from this infection develop gangrene, which sometimes is so severe that it requires amputation. About 30% of those who develop this type of infection end up dying.
Animal bite victims often have a lot to deal with. While they usually have a significant amount of physical pain and suffering, they also typically must find a way to cope with the emotional trauma inflicted upon them. Also, these individuals may have to find a way to pay for unexpected medical expenses at a time when they are unable to work due to their injuries. This can leave them in a dire financial predicament. Fortunately, legal remedies may be available to those who are harmed by an animal bite. Those who want to learn more about their legal options should think about reaching out to a legal professional.