Fatal red light accidents reach 10-year high

Driving is an inherently dangerous activity. Yet, the risk of being harmed in a car accident increases exponentially when the motorists around you act negligently. This negligence can take many forms, including distracted driving and drunk driving. However, even mistakes as simple as failing to abide by traffic laws can have serious consequences, as demonstrated by the results of one recent study.

There, researchers at AAA found that fatalities linked to running red lights have reached a 10-year high. According to their findings, 2017 saw nearly 1,000 deaths resulting from the crashes. As a whole, the last decade saw 7,800 deaths linked to red light running. Although some red light violations result from distracted and drunk driving, more frequently individuals who intentionally speed are the main culprits. These people may be running late for work or school, or they may think that they can beat a red light. Although most of us have sped up when a light turns yellow, this behavior can prove deadly.

The deaths caused by these accidents are nothing short of tragic. Surviving family members may struggle to find a path past their emotional pain and suffering, but they can also face very real financial ramifications. The same holds true for the countless number of individuals who are injured in red light wrecks. These individuals can experience physical and emotional turmoil in addition to financial damages in the form of medical expenses and lost wages from missed work.

Although law enforcement does its best to catch those motorists who violate traffic laws, their efforts fall short of protecting everyone from these dangerous drivers. Therefore, oftentimes the only way for these car accident victims to find accountability and recoup their losses is to pursue a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit. Attorneys who are experienced at handling these types of cases stand ready to help.

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