Young drivers behind the wheel of a vehicle can be a scary reality to take on. These inexperienced drivers may be more prone to take risks and generally are not well versed when it comes to defensive driving and avoiding collisions. Nonetheless, even the most experienced drivers in Arizona drive dangerously. After all, it is not only youthful drivers who drive while distracted. Baby boomers are also noted for their contribution to the distracted driving epidemic on the roadways across the nation.
While everyone tends to point their fingers at Millennials when it comes to texting and driving and other distractions caused by cell phones, the reality is that Baby Boomers do not have much room to talk. Based on a recent study, half of those surveyed who fall within the Baby Boomer group admitted to using their phones while driving.
A more interesting finding was the fact that when the phone rings or there is a notification on the phone, Baby Boomers are less likely to ask a passenger to take their phone and handle the call or message. Thus, no matter the age of the driver or how experienced they are, distractions are a tempting reality. This also means that distracted driving is a concern across all ages, and they could be the cause of a serious collision at any moment.
A car accident can suddenly and drastically alter the life of a victim. When damages are suffered as a result of a negligent driver’s actions or inactions, a victim should consider taking legal action by pursuing a personal injury lawsuit. Such action could help hold the negligent driver accountable while also helping the victim recover compensation for losses suffered.