Many factors impact what types of injuries victims suffer when they are involved in a car crash. Some of these are controllable but many are not. Every factor involved a crash or the effects of it may affect the claim for compensation that a victim launches after the wreck.
Part of the crash investigation focuses on determining what primary cause led to the crash. Investigators will also work to find out what secondary factors contributed, as well as how various points affected the victims.
Controllable driver factors
Drivers can prevent some crashes by avoid driving when they are impaired, distracted or fatigued. These three factors make it difficult for drivers to react appropriately to hazards on the roads, even when only one of these factors is present. The risk increases with each added factor so a driver who is drunk and tired is more likely to have a serious crash than a sober driver.
Non-controllable driver factors
New drivers and elderly drivers have an increased risk of being involved in a crash. Typically, new drivers will take more risks than they are prepared to handle. Older drivers might not have the mental capabilities to respond to hazards, and, in some cases, they aren’t able to move as fast.
Impact of traffic laws
When drivers comply with traffic laws, they aren’t as likely to cause crashes. Running through stop signs or red traffic control lights and traveling faster than the posted limit are primary hazards on the road. Failing to use turn signals and driving aggressively can also lead to challenges.
Injury risks vary
The injuries a victim faces depends on the type of crash, their location in the vehicle and other similar external factors. The age might also matter because elderly individuals may have more brittle bones than a healthy adult. Children also face increased risks because of their size and body composition.
A victim of a car crash may need significant medical care, especially when they suffer catastrophic injuries, such as brain or spinal cord damage. These can last a lifetime, which means that the person might opt to seek compensation that includes damages for future expenses. Determining the cause of the crash, as well as the correlation between the physical impact of the wreck and the injuries can benefit victims. This can be a critical point to include in the legal claim.